We have a culture of generosity at Grace Church, receiving and releasing God’s generosity to us through our finances.
We are a family on a mission together to make disciples, serve our communities, start and grow new congregations and reach the nations. We believe that each of us can play a part in bringing God’s kingdom to the lives of our friends, family and community.
For those who consider Grace Church to be their spiritual home, we encourage you to give financially. We believe giving is a biblical way to demonstrate our love and commitment to God, who has given so generously to us.
Explore more of what the Bible has to say about you and giving, by listening to Steve Mathew’s talk by clicking Here
Giving Regularly
Here’s some practical information about ways that you can give.
We have a giving point in the area we use for coffee after the meeting which you can use on Sundays to give. We have a card reader for contactless giving and an offering box for cash and cheques. You can also find Gift Aid envelopes and gift aid declaration forms at the giving point.
Many of our members choose to give regularly by standing order. Email us Office Email for us to send you the standing order form.
If you prefer to give online, you can give via our Donate page on the link below.
Please note that there is a small processing fee with this method, taken out of the amount you'd like to give.
If you would prefer to pay by cheque, please make your cheques payable to Grace Church.
If you have online banking you can set up a one-off or monthly transfer to our bank account. Please email us by clicking on the link below for us to send you the bank details.
Using a Gift Aid envelope for your giving allows us to claim back 25 pence for every pound you donate, at no extra cost to you. You can pick up a Gift Aid form from the Welcome Desk or just ask one of the Welcome team.
We are thankful to our members for giving so generously.
Gift Days
We have one or two Gift Days each year, which usually go towards one-off costs, which aren’t part of our regular budget.
We also have one off offerings to support particular causes. Previously, we have given to local and National appeals as we become aware of a need.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, using the Gift Aid envelope for your giving allows Grace Church to claim back 25p for every pound you donate, at no extra cost to you.
Just grab a Gift Aid envelope from the Giving point on Sunday or download and complete our Gift Aid form and send it to the office.
At the time of writing, making Gift Aid payments is also taken into account when calculating any benefits that you may be entitled to.
Grace Church Finances
We believe in being open and accountable with our finances. At each family meeting, our trustees give an up-to-date report on our finances to our members. You are, of course, welcome to ask questions about our finances at any time.
Further Resources
Generosity is the guide that helps us hold the tension between prudence and liberty. To be generous requires prudence, because without prudence it is unlikely we will have anything available with which to be generous!