Grace Youth
Grace Youth is a vibrant group full of young people aged 11-18 who regularly meet together to have fun, build community, and learn about God. The group is led by Rosie Donohue who is employed part time. She works with a team of volunteer youth leaders who are all passionate about raising up a generation of young people who love and honour God.
Sunday Mornings
Grace Youth meet on the 2nd and 4th weekend each month in the morning at Sarum Academy during the main preach. In this session we have a game, hear from the bible, discuss and pray together.
Life Groups
On one Wednesday a month , Grace Youth meet in same sex groups (boys/girls) in leader’s homes across the city between 7pm and 8:30pm during term time.
This time is focused on building community among one another where they enjoy drinks and cake, play games and share life together through bible study, discussion and prayer.
Saturday Evenings
On the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month Grace Youth meet altogether at 7pm-8:30pm during term time.
The 2nd Weekend is Youth Encounter. An opportunity to press in closer to God through worship..
The 4th Weekend is the Gathering. The format of the meetings vary but usually include a time of team building games, fun and messy games, activities, talks, discussion groups and prayer.
Socials are planned termly and vary widely between pizza and games night, movies, outdoor activities, beach trips and day trips.
The focus of these events is to have fun together and build community amongst the young people.
Grace Church runs a mentoring scheme which is available for all young people whereby the young person(s) meet regularly with a mentor for a period of time for a certain purpose which is orientated around the needs and goals of the mentee(s).
Mentoring is built on relationship which is friendly and relaxed but remains formal and done within the guidelines set out by Grace Church. All Mentors have a valid DBS, follow safe practice and safeguarding guidelines and are regularly supervised by mentoring supervisor Jon.
Grace Youth are a vital part of the church family and are actively involved in helping on a Sunday morning through serving in various teams across the church.
Our vision for our young people
We aim to raise up a generation whose lives honour God.
Grace Youth is a place where young people are loved, accepted and encouraged to be themselves as they explore their identity in Christ. We equip and disciple our youth to develop their own personal relationship with God that impacts the way they think, act and live. We pray that their lives are transformed by the truth of the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit to enable them to do all that God has called them to.
We are raising up a generation to impact the people around them with the gospel of Jesus.