Church Planting & the Nations at Grace Church
Grace Church is part of a worldwide family of churches. We believe that Jesus calls us to plant churches as one way to reach the nations.
Madrid Church Plant
In 2010 Kevin Bartlett, who had planted and led Grace Church, felt called by God to go church planting again, this time to a different country. Kevin and Ness Bartlett moved to Madrid the capital of Spain with their three children to plant a church.
Their heart was to have a genuine Spanish-speaking church right in the centre of the capital city. A number of other individuals and families joined them on this adventure to take the gospel to all nations. Kevin and Ness are now fluent in Spanish which means the church services and preaching are in the native language of Spain.
We trust and believe that God will use the church in Madrid to reach many people in the capital of Spain and beyond. We wholeheartedly support Kevin, Ness and the team on their adventure, both financially, in prayer and in loving friendship.
The Madrid church is known as Iglesias de Christo Salvador, which roughly translated means Christ Saves Church.
For more information visit their blog, website cristomadrid.es, or find them on Facebook.
Ghana Church Plant
Our next step into global church planting, has been to send Eustace and Theresa Tackie-Otoo to plant a church in their home country of Ghana.
After 8 years of preparation, Grace Church Amesbury and Salisbury, together with the Commission family of churches sent out Eustace, Theresa and their two children to Ghana, in September 2019.
Our vision for going to Ghana is ‘’to plant a Grace and Spirit filled church that plants other Churches’’ in Ghana and over time in West Africa and beyond.
God laid on our hearts to plant the first Church in Sekondi-Takoradi, a city with an estimated population of about 500,000. It is a coastal city in the Western Region of Ghana.
Eustace and Theresa have gone to Ghana believing Jesus changes lives. It maybe one at a time, but it will be many in the end.
To provide an income for the family, Eustace and Theresa have started a pig farm along side their church work.
Church Planting in Mongolia
David Maskell has had a long association with Mongolia from his time at Welcome Church in Woking. In the last few years David has been developing stronger links for Commission with Mongolia. We have links with churches throughout the country, but in particular with an experienced Pastor called Ari based in Ulan Baatar. The Commission Team is carefully developing these links to see if we can develop Commission Churches in Mongolia.
In September 2023 there was an exciting development as Ari started a new church that will hopefully grow in to a closer relationship with Commission. This church is called “Our God Reigns”