New Here?

Hello and Welcome!

Grace Church is a Bible believing and Spirit filled church. We started in 2003 with a handful of people, with some of the original members feeling they should move from one of our sister Commission Churches in Bournemouth to start the church in Salisbury. We are currently gathering over 200 people each week from Salisbury and the surrounding area.

Our Sunday meetings start at 10.00 am at Sarum Academy in Salisbury – please see our Salisbury page for the latest information.

There are lots of activities going on at Grace Church, some for everyone and then some targeted at men, and some for women or youth. Our core meetings are our Sunday service and our mid-week Life Groups.

Guest Card

If it’s your first time attending a Sunday you’ll receive a Welcome Bag which contains a Guest Card for you to fill in to help us get to know you. Hand this card to one of our Welcome Team. You can also complete the Guest card below.

There are opportunities to pray and to serve, and you can get involved in our Social Action, which you can find out more about under the banner of Grace Works.

Grace Church is part of the Commission family of churches, which is part of the Newfrontiers worldwide network of churches. We are joined by common values and beliefs, shared mission and genuine relationships.

To find out more about Grace Church Vision and Culture follow the link here

We broadcast our sermons online on YouTube on our Grace Church channel each week for those not able to meet in person. You can find these broadcasts by following the link Here

You are most welcome to join us on a Sunday or at any of other events.