Vision and Culture
Our vision is to see Jesus change thousands of lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Who are we?
We are a growing, diverse community of Christians who meet as one church.
Our Vision
To know, love and worship our Heavenly Father and to see Jesus change thousands of lives by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Mission
To make disciples, serve our communities, plant new congregations and reach other nations.
Our Culture
We are on a journey to develop a culture characterised by:
As sons and daughters of God the Father, receiving and displaying His free and lavish grace, both in the church and in bringing hope to a broken world.
“Jesus...came from the Father, full of grace and truth”
John 1 v 14
Personal growth in discipleship as we learn to think and live more like Jesus.
Identifying and growing empowered leaders to serve throughout the church and our community.
Seeing thousands of lives changed by Jesus.
“go and make disciples of all nations”
Matthew 28 v 19
A diverse family on a mission enjoying authentic relationships and seeing every person accepted as a valued part of the body and with a role to play.
“you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it”
1 Corinthians 12 v 27
Honouring God and honouring each other according to the incredible value that God places on us.
“Outdo each other in showing honour”
Romans 12 v 10
Worshipping God and pursuing His presence in our lives and meetings, and using the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the Glory of God.
“My presence shall go with you...”
Exodus 33 v 14
Receiving and sharing God’s generosity to us through our heart attitudes, time and finances.
“...be generous and willing to share”
1 Timothy 6 v 18
Commission and Newfrontiers
Grace Church is part of something much larger. We are part of the Commission family of churches which in turn is part of Newfrontiers. We are part of a network of churches holding the same values and beliefs sharing the good news of Jesus around the globe.
Where We Have Come From
In 2003 a small group of twenty-five ordinary people started Grace Church. This included a group who felt called to come from Bournemouth to start the church here in Salisbury. We are a people who are passionate about Jesus and seeing him change and impact lives.
The church has grown, and we are typically gathering about 200 to 220 people each Sunday. Family life and children are important to us, and so we have a strong and vibrant kids and youth group at Grace Church.